WITNESS LIST HB 2221 HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT Higher Education Committee April 4, 2005 - 8:00A For: Adler, Chris (Del Mar College) Brockman, John (Coastal Bend College) Garcia, Carlos (Del Mar College) Rivas, Gabriel (Del Mar College Board Of Regents) Against: Guillory, County Judge Glenn (Aransas County) Kovacs, City Manage, Michael (City of Port Aransas) Neblett, Mayor City, Georgia (City of Port Aransas) Pearson, Todd (City of Rockport) Simpson, Judge Terry (Self and San Patricio County) Vasquez, Elias R. (City of Robstown) Yeamans, Asa (Self) On: Moore, Julie W. (Occidental Petroleum Corporation) Storie, Gene (OAG) Tays, Sara (Exxon Mobil Corporation)