HB 2833
Land & Resource Management Committee

April 7, 2005 -  7:00A
    For:      Smith, Hank (Self)
              Stewart, Ted (Self and Texas Landowner's Conservancy)
              Warren, Charlotte (Texas Landowner's Conservancy)
              Wheelus, Dan (Texas Landowner's Conservancy)
    Against:  Baker, Sarah (Save Our Springs Alliance, Inc.)
              Halty, Scott (San Antonio Water System)
              Houston, Scott (Texas Municiple League)
              Luckens, Ben (Texas Chapter of The American Planning
              Murphy, Patrick (City of Austin)
              Pichinson, Michael (Texas Conference of Urban Counties)
              Rockwell, Brad (Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance)
              Ross, Lauren (Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance)
   Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Amini, Ron (Self and Texas Landowner's Conservancy)
              Budde, Doreen (Self)
              Budde, Jorn (Self)
              Cases, Tim (Self)
              Davis, Floyd H. (Self)
              Davis, Tricia (Self)
              Gonzalez, Daniel (Texas Association of Realtors)
              Horabin, Bill (Self and Texas Landowner's Conservancy)
              Horabin, Christopher P. (Self)
              Howe, Billy (Texas Farm Bureau)
              Irion, Terry (Texas Landowner's Conservancy)
              Martine, Tom (Self)
              Mintz, David (Texas Apartment Association)
              Noell, John (Self)
              Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
              Patterson, Jerry (Texas General Land Office)
              Peterson, Karen (Self)
              Reed, Jerry (Self)
              Savio, Harry (Homebuilders Association of Greater
              Stewart, Suzanne (Self)
    Against:  Brown, Christopher (Self and National Wildlife
              Heckler, Jeff (City of Sunset Valley)
              Muse, Christy (Self and Hill Country Alliance, Hamilton
              Pool Road Scenic Cooridor, Lakeway First, Friendship
              Rocha, Susan C. (City of Round Rock)
              Turner, Frank (City of Plano)