SB 785
Environmental Regulation Committee

May 18, 2005 -  8:00A
    For:      de la Pena, Patricia (Self)
              Ahmed, Aglaia (Self)
              Brown, Chris (Self)
              Carter, Susie (Self and Hays County Precinct 2)
              Clements, Shilo (Self)
              Cunningham, Dr. Sid (Self)
              Dean, Eric (Self)
              Fitzgerald, Dr. Robert (Medina County Environmental
              Action Association)
              Froehlich, James (Self)
              Haley, Bill (Self)
              Holder, Kathleen (Self)
              Kay, Charles (Self)
              Lambert, Reagan (Self)
              McSpadden, Diane (Self)
              Ortiz, Halley Wallingford (Self)
              OConnor, Mike (Acme Brick and Southwest Brick Institute)
              Read, Bill (Self)
              Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter, Sierra Club)
              Rutherford, Quillian (Self)
              Schneider, Richard (Self)
              Selger, Steven (Self)
              Sikoski, John (Self)
              Simmons, John (Self)
              Sorrell, Cliff (Self)
              Stewart, Michael (Tx Aggregates & Concrete Assoc.)
              Stone, Mary (Self)
              Walker, Patricia (Self)
    On:       Gould, Michael (Tx Comm. on Environmental Quality)