SB 1354


Natural Resources Committee

April 14, 2005 -  1:30P Or upon adjournment
      FOR:        Ford, Phil (Brazos River Authority), Waco, TX
                  Goodwin, Tony (Brazos River Conservation Coalition),
                         Milsap, TX
                  McCarthy, Ed (Ms. Alice Walton), Austin, TX
                  Walton, Alice (Self), Mineral Wells, TX
      AGAINST:    England, Stephen (TXI Operations, LP), Dallas, TX
                  Figueroa, Roman (Vulcan Materials Co.), Keller, TX
                  Knochenhauer, Aleisha (Vulcan Construction
                         Materials, LP), San Antonio, TX
                  Osborn, Maurice (TXI), Dallas, TX
                  Stewart, Michael (Texas Aggregates & Concrete
                         Assn.), Austin, TX
      ON:         Brookins, Linda (TCEQ), Austin, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
      For:        Gonzales, Hector Mayor (Self), Webberville, TX
                  O'Brien, Beth (Public Citizen), Austin, TX
                  Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter of Sierra Club),
                         Austin, TX
      On:         Bright, Ann (Texas Parks & Wildlife), Austin, TX
                  Cinendoll, Chris (TCEQ), Austin, TX
                  Preister, David (Texas Attorney General's Office),
                         Austin, TX

   Providing written testimony:
      For:        Miksa, Mary (Texas Association of Business), Austin,