SB 1375


Transportation & Homeland Security Committee

April 20, 2005 -  8:00A
      FOR:        Reagan, Bill President of Company (Self), Austin, TX
      AGAINST:    Lloyd, Margaret Policy Director (Scenic Texas),
                         Houston, TX
                  Sisk, Cathy Division Chief (Harris County), Houston,
      ON:         Anderson, Tim ROW(Right of way) Attorney (Texas
                         Department of Transportation), Austin, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
      For:        Blann, Jesse R. Owner (Blann Advertising),
                         Kingsland, TX
                  Brougher, David Vice-President (Austin Crane
                         Service), Austin, TX
                  Gonzalez, Daniel Dir. of Leg. Affairs (TX
                         Association of Realtors), Austin, TX
                  Long, Ronnie Owner (Adventure Consulting), Kyle, TX
                  Taylor, Larry F. President (Austin Crane Service),
                         Austin, TX
      Against:    Kimmey, Girard Architect (Self), Austin, TX
                  Smith, Terral Attorney (Harlan Crow), Austin, TX

   Providing written testimony:
      Against:    Igo, Shanna Director of Leg. Serv. (Texas Municipal
                         League), Austin, TX