Economic Development Committee
April 12, 2005-12:00A

HB 234
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Lewis, Gib (City of Mansfeild)
    Against:  Schwab, Carlton (Texas Economic Development Council)

HB 1258
    For:      Edwards, Judy (City of Wortham)
              Hawk, Curtis (City of Burleson)
              Schmidt, Michael (City of Grandwiew)
    Against:  Schwab, Carlton (Texas Economic Development Council)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    Against:  Baylor, Don (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

HB 1515
    For:      Bown, Christopher (Self)
              Dullnig, Austin (Self)
              Ellis, Randall (The Lesbian/Gay Rights of Texas)
              Hickman, Nancy (Self)
              Jones, Robert (Self)
              Meacham, Margaret (Self)
              Riddering, Hannah (Texas National Organization for
              Scheps, Lisa (Transgender Advocates of Central Texas)
              Simoneaux, Jerry (Self)
    Against:  Nuckols, Beverly (Self)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Castillo, Rachel (Self)
              Cunliff, Colin (Self)
              Hinojosa, Walter (TX AFL-CIO)
              Kriese, Eric (Self)
              Kriese, Steve (Self)
              Kriese, Tracy (Self)
    Against:  Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn (Self and Texas Eagle Forum)
              Hammond, Bill (Texas Associatin of Business)

HB 1738
    For:      Levy, Rick (TX AFL-CIO)
              Liggins, David (UAW)
    On:       Stewart, Bob (TWC)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Arabie, Joe (TX AFL-CIO)
              Hallford, Currie (Communications Workers of America)
              Hinojosa, Walter (TX AFL-CIO)
              Kelp, Dick (United Auto Workers)
              Tilley, Danny (Texas Building Trades Council)
              Willis, D. L. (Texas Political & Legislative Committee
                   of Communications Workers of America)
    Against:  Hammond, Bill (Texas Association of Business)
    On:       Riley, Steve (TWC)

HB 1894
    For:      Hawk, Curtis (City of Burleson)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Schwartz, Art (City of Galveston)

HB 2122
    For:      Hale, William (Self)
              Notzon, Robert (Self)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Riddering, Hannah (Texas National Organization for

HB 2717
    For:      Kowalski, Tom (Texas Healthcare & Bioscience Institute)

HB 3191
    For:      Levy, Rick (TX AFL-CIO)
              Riddering, Hannah (Self)
    Against:  Hahn, Christopher (Texas Employment Law Council)
    On:       Stewart, Bob (TWC)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Tilley, Danny (Texas Building Trades)
    Against:  Hammond, Bill (Texas Association of Business)

HB 3247
    For:      Stocco, Douglas (Self)

HB 3249
    For:      Pinkley, Craig (Capital Certified Development
              Shields, Chris (Toyota)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      McGinnis, Larry (The Boeing Company)
              Schwab, Carlton (Texas Economic Development Council)

HB 3470
    On:       Baylor, Don (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

SB 593
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Kowalski, Tom (Texas Healthcare & Bioscience Institute)