Land & Resource Management Committee
March 3, 2005-8:00A

HB 932 - Committee Substitute (Harper-Brown)
    For:      Patterson, Jerry (Texas General Land Office)

HB 1364
    For:      Brown, Kirby (Texas Wildlife Association)
              Gaines, Jimmy (Texas Land Owners Council)
              Harris, Mike (Self)
              Kacal, Kyle (Self and Texas Farm Bureau)
              Merrill, John L. (Self)
              Small, Ed (Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers
    Against:  Houston, Scott (Texas Municipal League)
              Lilley, David (City of Copperas Cove)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)
              Tripp, Alice (Texas State Rifle Association)