Public Education Committee
February 14, 2005-2:00P

HB 2
    For:      Fallon, James (Education Resource Group)
              Haeberlen, Paul (Education Resource Group)
              McAuliffe, Brian (Self)
              Tauer, Timothy T. (Education Resource Group)
              Wimberley, Alan (Eagle Academies of Texas)
    Against:  Melina Raab, Ted (Texas Federation of Teachers)
              Weatherford, Bryan (Texas State Teachers Association)
    On:       Carr, Susan (Self)
              Casey, Daniel T. (Self)
              Kress, Sandy (Texas Businesses for Educational
              Miller, Kathy (Texas Freedom Network)
              Moak, Lynn (Texas School Alliance; South Texas
                   Association of Schools)
              Pierce, Wayne (Equity Center)
              Woolfolk, Rick (TASB, TASA, Denton I.S.D.)