Public Education Committee
March 15, 2005-2:00P

HB 4
    For:      Allen, Blake (Bryan Independent School District)
              Batson, Amanda (Self and Texas eLearning Coalition c/o
                   Dr. Tom Burnett)
              Bentsen, Fred A. (Vantage Learning)
              Bergland, Jennifer (Bryan Independent School District)
              Cravey, Ron (Texas Computer Education Association
              Driesler, Stephen (Assoc of Amer. Publishers)
              Ellis, Buzz (The McGraw-Hill Companies & Association of
                   American Publishers)
              Fleming, Jon H. (Self)
              Fritze, Victoria (Bryan Independent School District)
              McGlodn, David (Teachscape, a company that specializes
                   in providing online learning opportunities for
              Meraz, Gloria (Texas Library Association)
              Meyer, Jeff L. (Self)
              Owen, Dr. Alice (Irving ISD)
              Perot, Ross (Self)
              Quinn, Quality (Self)
              Sirhal, Maureen (Dell Inc.)
              Smith, Amber L. (Self)
              Veselka, Johnny (Texas Assn. of School Administrators;
                   Texas Assn. of School Boards)
              Watson, Forrest E. (Alliance for Sound Education Policy)
    On:       Eaton, Holly (Tx Classroom Teacher Assoc)
              Kouri, Richard (Texas State Teachers Association)
              Mankin, Laurie (Textbook Coordinators' Association of
              Melina Raab, Ted (Texas Federation of Teachers)