Transportation Committee
February 15, 2005-8:00A

HB 372
    For:      Jackson, Lee. E. (Self)
              Love, Karen C. (Self)
              Love Stevenson, Cynthia (Self)
              Waggoner, Boyd (Karen Love, Cynthia Love Stephenson)

HB 599
    For:      Anderson, Ann K. (Self and E 1488 Community Association
                   of Montgomery County)
              Castillo, Yvonne (Texas Society of Architects)
              Haskin, Becky (Ft. Worth City)
              St. Pierre, Stan (Self and Scenic Texas)
    On:       Anderson, Tim (Texas Department of Transportation)
              Norman, Scott (Texas Assoc. of Builders)
              Vela, Lee (Clear Channel Outdoor; Outdoor Adv. Asso. of

HB 600
    For:      Anderson, Ann K. (Self and E 1488 Community Association
                   of Montgomery County)
              Brass, Cap't. Rick (Constable Ron Hickman; Harris County
                   Constable Dep't. Precinct Four)
              Cameron, Skip (Self)
              Castillo, Yvonne (Texas Society of Architects)
              Haskin, Becky (City of Ft. Worth)
              St. Pierre, Stan (Self and Scenic Texas)
    On:       Anderson, Tim (Texas Department of Transportation)
              Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
              Vela, Lee (Clear Channel Outdoor; Outdoor Adv. Asso. of

Trans Texas Corridor
    Against:  Gates, Valda (Self)

Trans. TX Corridor
    Against:  Evans, Jeanne S. (Self)

    On:       Behrens, Michael (Texas Department of Transportation)
              Houghton, Ted (Texas Department of Transportation)

Transportation Issues
    On:       Russell, Phillip (Texas Department of Transportation)

    Against:  Cusack, Pauline (Self and Gillespie County)