Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     

(1)  In Article VI (page VI-29), add the following 	appropriately numbered rider following the appropriations to the 
Parks and Wildlife Department:
	____.  Texas State Railroad.  Out of the funds appropriated 
above in Strategy B.1.1, State Park Operations, in each year of the 
biennium the department shall set aside $3,800,000 and may use that 
money only for the operations of the Texas State Railroad.
	(2)  In Article XI, on page XI-64, in Strategy B.1.1, State 
Park Operations, strike the appropriation of $3,800,000 in each 
year of the biennium for the operations of the Texas State Railroad.
	(3)  In Article XI, on page XI-64, following the 
appropriations to the Parks and Wildlife Department, strike the 
rider for the operations of the Texas State Railroad.
	(4)  Adjust article and agency totals accordingly.