Amend Amendment No. 111 by Gallego (page 166, prefiled 
amendment packet) by striking the text and substituting the 
	Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                       
	(1) In the Article VI appropriations to the Parks and 
Wildlife Department (page VI-27), under the general revenue fund 
method of financing, between "General Revenue Fund" and "Sporting 
Goods Sales Tax-Transfer to: State Parks Account No. 64", insert 
"Sporting Goods Sales Tax-Transfer to: Texas Recreation and Parks 
Account No. 467" together with the corresponding amounts from that 
method of financing of $15,540,000 for the state fiscal year ending 
August 31, 2008 and $15,540,000 for the state fiscal year ending 
August 31, 2009.
	(2) In the Article VI appropriations to the Parks and 
Wildlife Department (page VI-27), under the general revenue 
fund-dedicated method of financing, strike the Texas Recreation and 
Parks Account No. 467 method of financing and the corresponding 
amounts from that method of financing of $15,540,000 for the state 
fiscal year ending August 31, 2008 and $15,540,000 for the state 
fiscal year ending August 31, 2009.
	(3) Adjust totals accordingly.