Amend CSHB 1, in Article VIII of the bill, by adding the following appropriately numbered rider following the appropriations to the Department of Insurance: ____. Report to Legislature by Division of Workers' Compensation of Certain Information Regarding Employers Not Covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance. (a) Out of funds appropriated above to the division of workers' compensation of the Texas Department of Insurance, the division shall report annually to the legislature any information collected by the division regarding: (1) the compliance of employers who do not obtain or otherwise provide workers' compensation insurance coverage with any notice requirements imposed by Subchapter A, Chapter 406, Labor Code; (2) any administrative penalties assessed under Subtitle A, Title 5, Labor Code, or rules adopted under that subtitle against employers described by Subdivision (1) for failure to comply with the notice requirements; (3) the compliance of employers who do not obtain or otherwise provide workers' compensation insurance coverage with the reporting requirements of Section 411.032, Labor Code; and (4) any administrative penalties assessed under Section 411.032, Labor Code, against an employer described by Subdivision (3) for failure to comply with the reporting requirements. (b) The division may make the report required under Subsection (a) as part of the department's annual report under Section 32.021, Insurance Code, or as a separate report.