Amend CSHB 1 as follows: (1) In Article VIII, insert the following appropriately-numbered Rider to the appropriation for the Public Utility Commission to read as follows and renumbering subsequent Riders accordingly: "____. COMMISSION STUDY. Out of funds appropriated to the commission, the commission is directed to develop a proposed comprehensive electric energy plan that details this state's demand for electric generation capacity for the next 25 years, the infrastructure and technology for meeting that demand, and recommendations for meeting that demand. In developing the proposed plan, the commission shall consider and discuss policies and strategies to ensure that fuel resources available to the state are used in a balanced and efficient manner while taking into consideration the reliability, economic viability, and environmental impact of fuels and technologies including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Strategies to protect and preserve the environment of the state while allowing for access to safe, economical, and reliable sources of energy; (2) Strategies to ensure that customers of this state have access to reliable energy; (3) Transmission, congestion, and transportation constraints and cost, and strategies to alleviate or prevent those constraints for sources of energy used to generate electricity; (4) Electricity generation capacity, reserve margins, market impact, environmental impact of sources of electricity generation, and strategies to ensure continued investment in clean fuels and clean generation technology; (5) Demand side management and response programs including but not limited to and cost-effective strategies for measuring and utilizing energy conservation, interruptible loads, loads acting as resources, the use of combined heat and power, and energy efficiency; (6) Policies to ensure that fuel resources available to the state achieve reliable supply and are used in a balanced, efficient, and environmentally conscious manner. The Commission shall provide a process for coordinating information with other state agencies and obtaining public input into developing the plan, and provide a draft of the report for public comment by September 1, 2008, and submit a final report, taking into account public input, to the Governor, Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House by January 15th, 2009."