Amend CSHB 1 in Article XI of the bill as follows:                           

(1)  Add the following rider following the Article XI 	provisions for the Department of Family and Protective Services 
(page XI-10):
	Statewide Child-Care Training Portal.  In addition to other 
amounts appropriated to the Department of Family and Protective 
Services, an amount not to exceed $2 million is appropriated from 
the general revenue fund for the state fiscal biennium ending 
August 31, 2009, to the department for the purpose of awarding, 
through a competitive bidding process, a contract to a public 
nonprofit agency or community-based organization for the 
development and maintenance of a bilingual, statewide training 
portal that connects child-care providers with approved child-care 
training.  To receive a contract, an agency or organization must:
		(1)  develop a comprehensive, eight-hour training 
course that can be used as a self-instructional tool or in an 
instructor-led format and that covers current findings on the 
health, safety, and development of young children;
		(2)  demonstrate professional experience and technical 
expertise in early childhood education;
		(3)  have at least 10 years of experience in developing 
and providing training to providers in both child-care facilities 
and listed and registered family homes located in low-income 
communities; and
		(4)  have experience in automating programs used in 
subsidized child-care programs.
	(2)  Adjust the article totals (page XI-1) and agency totals 
(page XI-10) appropriately.