	The proposed rider would appropriate $276,432 in fiscal year 
2008 and $262,432 in fiscal year 2009 in General Revenue and 
increase FTEs by 5.0 in each fiscal year to provide administrative 
and technical assistance to the newly formed Water Conservation 
Advisory Council and to provide oversight and administrative 
assistance associated with the development of a statewide water 
conservation public awareness campaign.

Required Action                                                        
	In Article XI add the following rider for the Texas Water 
Development Board: 
	____. Contingency Appropriation for HB 4. Contingent upon the 
passage of HB 4, or similar legislation relating to water 
conservation by the Eightieth Legislature, Regular Session, the 
Texas Water Development Board is appropriated $276,432 in fiscal 
year 2008 and $262,432 in fiscal year 2009 out of the General 
Revenue Fund in Strategy A.3.1, Water Conservation Education and 
Assistance, to provide administrative and technical assistance to 
the Water Conservation Advisory Council and to provide oversight 
and administrative assistance associated with the development of a 
statewide water conservation public awareness campaign.
	In addition, the Number of Full-Time-Equivalents (FTE) 
indicated above for the TWDB is hereby increased by 5.0 in each 
fiscal year of the 2008-09 biennium.