Amend CSHB 1, in Article XI, by adding the following 
appropriately numbered rider:
	____. Maximum Security Forensic Hospital.  (a)  In addition 
to other amounts appropriated to the Department of State Health 
Services in Article II, the following amounts are appropriated to 
the department for construction and operation of a maximum security 
forensic hospital at the San Antonio State Hospital or at an 
alternative site designated by the department:
		(1)  $6,000,000 in general revenue is appropriated for 
the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2007, for 
construction of a maximum security forensic facility on the site of 
the San Antonio State Hospital; and
		(2)  $30,600,000 in general revenue is appropriated for 
the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2007, for 
operational expenses related to inpatient treatment for the 
severely and persistently mentally ill.
	(b)  The Department of State Health Services shall use funds 
for the purposes specified by Subsection (a) of this section only to 
the extent authorized by state law.