	This action would provide a $75 per student Technology 
Allotment in FY2008 and a $100 per student allotment in FY2009, 
increasing the allotment from $30 per student. The increased 
appropriation would be $504,900,000 in General Revenue for the 
2008-09 biennium.

Required Action                                                        
	1) On page III-27 of the Texas Education Agency bill pattern, 
add the following new rider:
	____. Contingency Appropriation for HB 1632. Contingent on 
passage of HB 1632 or similar legislation increasing the Technology 
Allotment from $30 per student in average daily attendance to $75 
per student in average daily attendance in fiscal year 2008 and $100 
per student in average daily attendance in fiscal year 2009, 
appropriations of General Revenue to the Texas Education Agency are 
increased by $195,300,000 in FY2008 and by $309,600,000 in FY2009 
to implement the provisions of the legislation.