Amend Floor Amendment No. 90 to CSHB 1 by Parker (Floor 
Amendment Packet, page 136) by striking the text of the amendment 
and substituting the following:
	Amend CSHB 1, in Article XI, as follows:                                       
	(1)  Add the following rider following the appropriations to 
the Department of Public Safety (page XI-58):
	Additional Officers. The following amounts are appropriated 
to the Texas Department of Public Safety to provide funding for an 
additional 171 Department of Public Safety officers assigned to 
border security:
		(1)  $16.25 million from general revenue for the state 
fiscal year ending August 31, 2008; and
		(2)  $16.25 million from general revenue for the state 
fiscal year ending August 31, 2009.
	(2)  Adjust the article totals and methods of financing 