Amend Floor Amendment No. 87 by Homer to CSHB 1 by striking the text of the amendment and substituting the following: Amend CSHB 1 in Article XI of the bill following the Article XI provisions for the Department of Criminal Justice (page XI-56) by adding the following rider: Lamar County Supervision and Corrections Department Recidivism Reduction Programs. The Department of Criminal Justice is appropriated $250,000 in each year of the biennium, to make a grant, through the community justice assistance division, to the Lamar County Community Supervision and Corrections Department to be used for the expansion and study of that department's programs intended to reduce recidivism among individuals supervised by that department, including that department's horticultural therapy and butterfly cultivation programs, cognitive behavior programs, and programs that encourage inmates supervised by that department to receive postsecondary education.