Amend Floor Amendment No. 236 by Howard (page 111, pre-filed 
amendment packet) to CSHB 1 by striking page 1, lines 2-13, and 
substituting the following:

XI of the bill, following the appropriations to the Texas Higher 
Education Coordinating Board (page XI-21), by adding the following 
	Grants to Nursing Education Programs. Contingent on the 
passage of HB 1894, or similar legislation relating to the 
provision of grants by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating 
Board to nursing education programs, the Texas Higher Education 
Coordinating Board may use the amount appropriated in Article III 
for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2007, to the 
board in Strategy G.1.2., Earnings-Nursing/Allied Health (page 
III-39), to provide grants to nursing education programs as 
described by Section 63.202(f), Education Code.