Amend Amendment No. 54 by Delisi to CSHB 1 (Floor Amendment packet, page 72) as follows: (1) On page 1, line 5 of the amendment, strike "unlawfully present" and substitute "undocumented". (2) On page 1, line 7 of the amendment, strike "unlawfully present" and substitute "undocumented". (3) On page 1, line 9 of the amendment, strike "unlawfully present" and substitute "undocumented". (4) On page 1, line 13 of the amendment, strike "unlawfully present" and substitute "undocumented". (5) On page 1 of the amendment, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following: The report must be produced using aggregated statistical data that does not contain personally identifiable information. The purpose of compiling this information is to perform analysis to assist the United States Congress and this state in making future health care and budgetary decisions. Information sought for the preparation of this report may not violate any federal or state laws, including rules, regarding privacy. (6) On page 1, line 21 of the amendment, strike "Agency" and substitute "Commission."