Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) In Article VI, page VI-20, amend Rider 28 to the
appropriation for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to
read as follows:
"28. Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP): Grants and
Administration. Included in amounts appropriated above in Strategy
A.1.1, Air Quality Assessment and Planning, is $167,921,954 in
fiscal year 2008 and $170,921,594 in fiscal year 2009 out of the
Texas Emissions Reduction Plan Account 5071 and $3,000,000 each
fiscal year out of the Clean Air Account No. 151. These funds shall
be used as incentive payments for the Diesel Emissions Reduction
Programs established in Health and Safety Code, Chapter 386,
Subchapter C and for grant funding for the New Technology Research
and Development Program established in Health and Safety Code,
Chapter 387 according to provisions in Health and Safety Code §
386.252. Of these amounts, $1,000,000 $16,500,000 shall be used
each fiscal year during the 2008-09 biennium, contingent upon
enactment of HB 1291, or similar legislation by the 80th
Legislature, Regular Session,on the Clean School Bus Initiative
for clean school bus grants throughout the state under the Clean
School Bus Program established in Health and Safety Code, Chapter
390, pursuant to Health and Safety Code, § 386.252(e). In addition,
not more than $683,949 in each fiscal year shall be used to
administer the Diesel Emissions Reduction Program and not more than
$250,000 each fiscal year shall be used to administer the New
Technology Research Development Program."