Amend Amendment No. 1 by Otto to CSHB 1 (page 302, pre-filed amendment packet) as follows: (1) In Item 1, strike "On page I-14 of the bill pattern for the Building and Procurement Commission," and substitute "Amend CSHB 1 by adding the following rider following the Article XI provisions for the Building and Procurement Commission: General Obligation Bond Authority. In addition to amounts appropriated to the Building and Procurement Commission in Article I of the bill,". (2) Strike Item 2 and substitute as follows: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no funds appropriated to the Building and Procurement Commission may be expended for capital budget items except as provided by this rider. The following amounts may be expended only for the purposes shown and are not available for expenditure for other purposes. Amounts appropriated in this Act and identified in this provision as appropriations either for "Lease payments to the Master Lease Purchase Program or for items with an "(MLPP)" notation may be expended only for the purpose of making lease-purchase payments to the Texas Public Finance Authority pursuant to the provisions of Section 1232.103, Government Code. $2 million dollars in fiscal year 2008 and $2 million dollars in fiscal year 2009 may be expended for construction of buildings. In fiscal year 2008, $21,700,000 may be expended for facilities renovation and expansion of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission and the unexpended balances are appropriated for the same purpose for fiscal year 2009. Adjust method of financing and article totals accordingly. (3) In Item 3, strike "On page I-82 of the bill pattern for the Bond Debt Service Payments," and substitute "Amend CSHB 1 by adding the following new rider in Article XI: Bond Debt Service Payments. In addition to amounts appropriated for bond debt service payments in Article I" (4) Strike item 4 and substitute as follows: Amend HB 1 by adding the following rider to Article XI: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, in addition to amounts appropriated to the Public Finance Authority $308,028 is appropriated in fiscal year 2008 for the purpose of bond debt service and $1,576,366 is appropriated in fiscal year 2009 for the purpose of bond debt service.