Amend HB 1 on third reading as follows: (1) On page I-46 (house committee printing of HB 1), Strategy A.1.12., Texas Emerging Technology Fund, in the appropriation for the state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2007, strike "$100,000,000" and substitute "$25,000,000". (2) Add the following appropriately numbered rider under the Article VI appropriations to the Parks and Wildlife Department: ____. State Auditor's Recommendations and Reports. (a) It is the intent of the legislature that the Parks and Wildlife Department use money appropriated by this Act to prepare and submit to the governor and the legislature a comprehensive plan and timeline to implement the recommendations set out in the State Auditor's Report No. 07-021, AN AUDIT REPORT ON FINANCIAL PROCESSES AT THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT. (b) On the submission of the comprehensive plan and timeline under Subsection (a) above, there is appropriated to the Parks and Wildlife Department an additional $37,500,000 for the state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2007, including: (1) $7,431,590 for Strategy B.1.1. State Park Operations; (2) $2,400,000 for Strategy B.1.2. Parks Minor Repair Program; (3) $361,281 for Strategy B.1.3. Park Support; (4) $5,370,000 for Strategy B.2.1. Local Park Grants; (5) $750,000 for Strategy B.2.2. Boating Access and Other Grants; (6) $12,000,000 for Strategy D.1.1. Improvements and Major Repairs; and (7) $9,000,000 for Strategy D.1.2. Land Acquisition. (c) It is the intent of the legislature that the Parks and Wildlife Department submit quarterly reports to the governor and legislature to indicate the extent to which each recommendation contained in the plan named in Subsection (a) of this rider has been implemented. On submission of the first four quarterly reports to the governor and the legislature, there is appropriated to the Parks and Wildlife Department an additional $37,500,000 for the state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2008, including: (1) $7,431,590 for Strategy B.1.1. State Park Operations; (2) $2,400,000 for Strategy B.1.2. Parks Minor Repair Program; (3) $361,281 for Strategy B.1.3. Park Support; (4) $5,370,000 for Strategy B.2.1. Local Park Grants; (5) $750,000 for Strategy B.2.2. Boating Access and Other Grants; (6) $12,000,000 for Strategy D.1.1. Improvements and Major Repairs; and (7) $9,000,000 for Strategy D.1.2. Land Acquisition.