Amend CSHB 3 as follows:                                                     

(1)  On page 12, line 16, between "2009" and the underlined 	semicolon, insert ", except that at the request of the basin and bay 
area stakeholders committee for good cause shown, the advisory 
group may extend the deadline provided by this subdivision".
	(2)  On page 19, strike lines 15 through 23 and substitute 
the following:    

estuary advisory council with specific duties related to 
implementation of permit conditions for environmental flows, that 
council may continue in full force and effect and shall act as and 
perform the duties of the basin and bay area stakeholders committee 
under this section.  The estuary advisory council shall add members 
from stakeholder groups and from appropriate science and technical 
groups, if necessary, to fully meet the criteria for membership 
established in Subsection (f) and shall operate under the 
provisions of this section.