Amend CSHB 13 (house committee printing) as follows:                         

(1)  Strike SECTION 3 of the bill and substitute the 	following:              
	SECTION 3.  Sections 421.002(a) and (b), Government Code, 
are amended to read as follows:
	(a)  The governor shall [direct homeland security in this 
state and shall] develop a statewide homeland security strategy 
that improves the state's ability to:
		(1)  detect and deter threats to homeland security;                           
		(2)  respond to homeland security emergencies; and                            
		(3)  recover from homeland security emergencies.                              
	(b)  The governor's homeland security strategy shall 
coordinate homeland security activities among and between local, 
state, and federal agencies and the private sector and must include 
specific plans for:
		(1)  intelligence gathering and analysis;                                     
		(2)  information sharing;                                                     
		(3)  reducing the state's vulnerability to homeland 
security emergencies;   
		(4)  protecting critical infrastructure;                                      
		(5)  protecting the state's international border, 
ports, and airports;      
		(6)  detecting, deterring, and defending against 
terrorism, including cyber-terrorism and biological, chemical, and 
nuclear terrorism;
		(7)  positioning equipment, technology, and personnel 
to improve the state's ability to respond to a homeland security 
		(8)  establishing and directing the Texas Fusion 
[Infrastructure Protection Communications] Center and giving the 
center certain forms of authority to implement the governor's 
homeland security strategy; [and]
		(9)  using technological resources to:                                        
			(A)  facilitate the interoperability of 
government technological resources, including data, networks, and 
			(B)  coordinate the warning and alert systems of 
state and local agencies; 
			(C)  incorporate multidisciplinary approaches to 
homeland security;  and   
			(D)  improve the security of governmental and 
private sector information technology and information resources; 
		(10)  creating and operating a multi-agency 
coordination system as outlined in the federal Department of 
Homeland Security publication "National Incident Management 
System," published March 1, 2004.
	(2)  On page 12, lines 6-7, strike "at the request of the 
	(3)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to 
the bill and renumber existing SECTIONS appropriately:
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter A, Chapter 421, Government Code, 
is amended by adding Section 421.006 to read as follows:
Office of Homeland Security is a division of the Department of 
Public Safety of the State of Texas.  The office shall direct the 
implementation of homeland security and border security measures in 
this state.
	SECTION ____.  (a)  On October 1, 2007, the following are 
transferred from the office of the governor to the State Office of 
Homeland Security:
		(1)  any powers, duties, functions, and activities of 
the office of the governor relating to directing the implementation 
of homeland security and border security measures that are subject 
to Section 421.006, Government Code, as added by this Act;
		(2)  any obligations and contracts of the office of the 
governor pertaining to a power, duty, function, or activity 
transferred under this subsection; and
		(3)  any property and records in the custody of the 
office of the governor pertaining to a power, duty, function, or 
activity transferred under this subsection and all funds 
appropriated by the legislature for that power, duty, function, or 
	(b)  A rule or form adopted by the office of the governor 
pertaining to a power, duty, function, or activity transferred 
under Subsection (a) of this section is a rule or form of the State 
Office of Homeland Security and remains in effect until altered by 
the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas.
	(c)  A reference in law to the office of the governor 
pertaining to a power, duty, function, or activity transferred 
under Subsection (a) of this section means the State Office of 
Homeland Security.