Amend CSHB 13 (House Committee Printing) as follows:                         
	(1)  On page 2, lines 16-17, strike "necessary project 
management resources" and substitute "funding".
	(2)  On page 2, line 17, between "Exchange" and the 
semicolon, insert "or any other similar comprehensive intelligence 
	(3)  Strike SECTION 2 of the bill (page 2, line 19, through 
page 4, line 5) and substitute the following:
	SECTION 2.  Subchapter C, Chapter 418, Government Code, is 
amended by adding Section 418.0431 to read as follows:
	Sec. 418.0431.  FUNDING OF CERTAIN DATABASES. The division:             
		(1)  may provide funding to the Department of Public 
Safety for the Texas Data Exchange or any other similar 
comprehensive intelligence database; and
		(2)  shall, to any extent necessary, participate in the 
transfer described by Section 421.0035(2) and the cooperation 
described by Section 421.0035(3).
	(4)  Strike SECTION 5 of the bill (page 7, lines 11 through 
23) and substitute the following:
	SECTION ____.  Section 421.003, Government Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
MAINTENANCE.  (a)  The Department of Public Safety of the State of 
Texas is:
		(1)  the repository in this state for the collection of 
multijurisdictional criminal intelligence information that is 
about terrorist activities or otherwise related to homeland 
security activities; and
		(2)  the state agency that has sole [primary] 
responsibility to analyze and disseminate that information.
	(b)  Notwithstanding Section 421.002 or any other law, the 
Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas is the only state 
agency or state governmental entity that is authorized to develop, 
maintain, operate, and control access to the Texas Data Exchange or 
any other similar comprehensive intelligence database.
	(5)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the 
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter A, Chapter 421, Government Code, 
is amended by adding Section 421.0035 to read as follows:
	Sec. 421.0035.  CERTAIN COOPERATION REQUIRED.  The governor 
and the governor's office shall cooperate with the Department of 
Public Safety to:
		(1)  transfer to the department control of the Texas 
Data Exchange or any other similar comprehensive intelligence 
database and any information contained in the Texas Data Exchange 
or any other similar comprehensive intelligence database;
		(2)  transfer to the department any federal funds 
received by the governor or the governor's office for the operation 
or maintenance of the Texas Data Exchange or any other similar 
comprehensive intelligence database;  and
		(3)  ensure that the department receives any federal 
funds received by this state for the operation or maintenance of the 
Texas Data Exchange or any other similar comprehensive intelligence 
	(6)  Appropriately number or renumber all existing SECTIONS 
of the bill.