Amend Floor Amendment No. 11 to CSHB 13 by striking Amendment 
No. 11 and substituting the following appropriately numbered 
	SECTION __.  Section 101.055, Civil Practice and Remedies 
Code, is amended to read as follows:
	Sec. 101.055.  CERTAIN GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTIONS.  This chapter 
does not apply to a claim arising:
		(1)  in connection with the assessment or collection of 
taxes by a governmental unit;
		(2)  from the action of an employee while responding to 
an emergency call or reacting to an emergency situation if the 
action is in compliance with the laws and ordinances applicable to 
emergency action, or in the absence of such a law or ordinance, if 
the action is not taken with conscious indifference or reckless 
disregard for the safety of others; [or]
		(3)  from the failure to provide or the method of 
providing police or fire protection; or
		(4)  from the action of a peace officer, if:                           
			(A)  the peace officer is a:                                          
				(i)  sheriff or sheriff's deputy; or                                 
				(ii)  municipal police officer;                                      
			(B)  the officer is engaged in the pursuit of a 
motor vehicle and the action:
				(i)  is in compliance with the laws and 
ordinances applicable to the peace officer regarding the pursuit of 
a motor vehicle; or
				(ii)  in the absence of such law or 
ordinance, is not taken with conscious indifference or reckless 
disregard for the safety of others; and
			(C)  the action occurs while the peace officer is 
operating a vehicle appropriately marked as an official police 