Amend Amendment No. 12 by Gattis by striking the text of the 
amendment and substituting:
	Amend CSHB 109 by striking SECTION 5 of the bill and 
	SECTION 5.  Section 62.102, Health and Safety Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	Sec. 62.102.  CONTINUOUS COVERAGE.  The commission shall 
provide that an individual who is determined to be eligible for 
coverage under the child health plan remains eligible for those 
benefits until the earlier of:
		(1)  the end of a period, not to exceed 12 months, 
following the date of the first eligibility determination;
		(2) the end of each [the] six-month period following the 
date of each subsequent [the] eligibility determination;  or
		(3)[(2)] the individual's 19th birthday.