Amend HB 218 as follows:                                                     

(1)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to 	the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Section 13.122(a), Election Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	(a)  In addition to the other statements and spaces for 
entering information that appear on an officially prescribed 
registration application form, each official form must include:
		(1)  the statement:  "I understand that giving false 
information to procure a voter registration is perjury and a crime 
under state and federal law.";
		(2)  a space for the applicant's registration number;                         
		(3)  a space for the applicant's Texas driver's license 
number or number of a personal identification card issued by the 
Department of Public Safety;
		(4)  a space for the applicant's telephone number;                            
		(5)  a space for the applicant's social security 
		(6)  a space for the applicant's sex;                                         
		(7)  a statement indicating that the furnishing of the 
applicant's telephone number and sex is optional;
		(8)  a space or box for indicating whether the 
applicant or voter is submitting new registration information or a 
change in current registration information;
		(9)  a statement instructing a voter who is using the 
form to make a change in current registration information to enter 
the voter's name and the changed information in the appropriate 
spaces on the form;
		(10)  a statement that if the applicant declines to 
register to vote, that fact will remain confidential and will be 
used only for voter registration purposes;
		(11)  a statement that if the applicant does register 
to vote, information regarding the agency or office to which the 
application is submitted will remain confidential and will be used 
only for voter registration purposes;
		(12)  a space or box for indicating whether the 
applicant is interested in working as an election judge;
		(13)  a statement warning that a conviction for making 
a false statement may result in imprisonment for up to the maximum 
amount of time provided by law, a fine of up to the maximum amount 
provided by law, or both the imprisonment and the fine; [and]
		(14)  a space or box for indicating whether the 
applicant served in the active military, naval, or air service, was 
discharged or released from the service under conditions other than 
dishonorable, and incurred or aggravated a disability in the line 
of duty in that service; and
		(15) [(14)]  any other voter registration information 
required by federal law or considered appropriate and required by 
the secretary of state.
	SECTION ____.  Section 15.001(a), Election Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	(a)  Each voter registration certificate issued must 
		(1)  the voter's name in the form indicated by the 
voter, subject to applicable requirements prescribed by Section 
13.002 and by rule of the secretary of state;
		(2)  the voter's residence address or, if the residence 
has no address, the address at which the voter receives mail and a 
concise description of the location of the voter's residence;
		(3)  the month, day, and year of the voter's birth;                           
		(4)  the number of the county election precinct in 
which the voter resides; 
		(5)  the voter's effective date of registration if an 
initial certificate;  
		(6)  the voter's registration number;                                         
		(7)  an indication of the period for which the 
certificate is issued;       
		(8)  a statement explaining the circumstances under 
which the voter will receive a new certificate;
		(9)  a space for stamping the voter's political party 
		(10)  a statement that voting with the certificate by a 
person other than the person in whose name the certificate is issued 
is a felony;
		(11)  a space for the voter's signature;                                      
		(12)  a statement that the voter must sign the 
certificate personally, if able to sign, immediately on receipt;
		(13)  a space for the voter to correct the information 
on the certificate followed by a signature line;
		(14)  the statement:  "If any information on this 
certificate changes or is incorrect, correct the information in the 
space provided, sign below, and return this certificate to the 
voter registrar."; [and]
		(15)  the registrar's mailing address and telephone 
number; and      
		(16)  an indication that the voter is a 
"service-disabled veteran," if the voter stated on the voter's 
registration application that the voter served in the active 
military, naval, or air service, was discharged or released from 
the service under conditions other than dishonorable, and incurred 
or aggravated a disability in the line of duty in that service.
	(2)  On page 1, lines 5-6, strike "Subsection (g)" and 
substitute "Subsections (g) and (h)".
	(3)  On page 1, line 9, between "and" and "either", insert ", 
except as provided by Subsection (h),".
	(4)  On page 2, between lines 2 and 3, insert the following:                   
	(h)  A voter who presents a voter registration certificate 
indicating that the voter is a service-disabled veteran is not 
required to provide any identification in addition to the voter's 
voter registration certificate.