Amend CSHB 323 by adding new SECTIONS 3 and 4, and renumbering 
the following SECTION accordingly:
	SECTION 3.  Chapter 34, Education Code, is amended by adding 
Section 34.012 to read as follows:
INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE.  (a)  The State Board of Education shall 
develop and make available to each school district a program of 
instruction in the proper use of a three-point seat belt.
	(b)  The State Board of Education shall serve as a 
clearinghouse of best practices for school districts seeking the 
most efficient and sensible information regarding school bus 
safety, including possible compliance with Section 547.701 of the 
Transportation Code using school buses orginally purchased without 
seat belts.
	SECTION 4.  At any time before the dates prescribed in 
SECTION 1 of this Act, a school district may, by its own initiative 
and at its own expense, adapt any or all of its existing bus fleet 
with a three-point seat belt.