Amend CSHB 408 as follows:                                                   

(1)  On page 1, line 7, strike "RESIDENTIAL".
	(2)  On page 1, strike lines 10 and 11 and substitute the 
		(1)  with a population of 800,000 or more; or                          
	(3)  On page 1, line 15, strike "and".                                  
	(4)  On page 1, line 17, between "property" and the period, 
insert ", and that is adjacent to a county with a population of 3.3 
million or more".
	(5)  On page 1, lines 19 and 20, strike "on premises in a 
	(6)  On page 1, line 21, between "objectionable" and the 
period, insert ", except that in a county described by Subsection 
(a)(2), the noise is a public nuisance only if made on premises in a 