Amend Amendment No. 2 by King of Parker to CSHB 626 as 
	(1)  On page 1, strike lines 10 through 14 and substitute the 

citizen and, unless the applicant was a registered voter in this 
state on September 1, 2007:
			(A)  if a citizen by birth, the city, county, 
state, and country of birth; or
			(B)  if a naturalized citizen:                                        
				(i)  the city, state, and year of taking the 
naturalization oath; or
				(ii)  the applicant's alien registration 
	(2)  On page 3, line 1, following the period, add "The 
secretary of state shall adopt rules that provide that an applicant 
whose citizenship cannot be verified under this section may execute 
an affidavit stating that the applicant is a United States citizen.  
An affidavit executed under this subsection creates a rebuttable 
presumption that the applicant is a United States citizen.