Amend HB 922 on third reading, on page 1, between lines 20 and 
21, by inserting the following:
	(c)  Notwithstanding Section 730.007 or any other law to the 
contrary, personal information obtained by an agency in connection 
with a motor vehicle record may not be disclosed to a person if the 
personal information in the record is to be used for the purpose of 
enforcing or collecting a civil or administrative penalty against 
an individual, including the owner or operator of a motor vehicle 
for the purpose of enforcing compliance with posted speed limits by 
an automated traffic control system or any other automated traffic 
control device, imposed under a municipal ordinance regulating 
traffic, regardless of whether the person is an officer or employee 
of the municipality or an individual acting in a private capacity 
for, on behalf of, or as the agent of the municipality.  In this 
subsection "agency," "disclose," "motor vehicle record," "personal 
information," and "record" have the meanings assigned by Section 