Amend HB 1324 on third reading by adding the following 
appropriately numbered SECTION and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS 
	SECTION ____.  (a) The Department of State Health Services 
shall establish a cross-system coordinated behavioral health 
intervention pilot project for children in Bexar County who may 
have a mental disability or participate in disciplinary alternative 
education programs.
	(b)  In implementing the pilot project, the department shall 
require a local mental health authority serving Bexar County to:
		(1)  enter into a memorandum of understanding or other 
agreement with state and local agencies that work directly with 
children, including the Department of State Health Services, the 
Department of Family and Protective Services, the Texas Youth 
Commission, and the Texas Education Agency, to:
			(A)  permit cross-system collaboration in the 
provision of uniform early intervention behavioral health 
assessments to children; and
			(B)  to the extent allowed by other law, identify 
children in the educational, juvenile justice, and child protective 
services systems who have or are at risk of developing mental health 
or substance abuse problems, divert the children to integrated 
systems of care services, and reduce cross-system gaps or 
inefficiencies in the provision of care;
		(2)  develop, in collaboration with the state and local 
agencies, a best practices plan regarding:
			(A)  cross-system informed consent and 
confidentiality practices;          
			(B)  uniform behavioral health screening for 
			(C)  uniform referral processes between systems 
and agencies related to behavioral health services;
			(D)  the delivery of early intervention and 
treatment services; and        
			(E)  an information exchange process between 
agencies to facilitate faster identification and assessment of 
behavioral health problems and integrate service delivery;
		(3)  identify outcome measures that may be used to 
measure the efficiency of cross-system coordination; and
		(4)  ensure that an extensive listing of providers is 
available for children and their families, including information 
regarding the services offered and the behavioral health issues 
addressed by the provider.
	(c)  The department may use funds for crisis prevention 
programs in collaboration with funds from local authorities, 
including school districts and criminal justice agencies, to 
implement the pilot project.
	(d)  Not later than December 1, 2008, the local mental health 
authority involved in the pilot project shall submit a report to the 
department regarding the cross-system coordinated behavioral 
health intervention pilot project, including:
		(1)  a comprehensive analysis of the efficacy of the 
project; and           
		(2)  the local authority's findings and 
	(e)  This section expires September 1, 2009.