Amend CSHB 1351, committee printing, as follows:                             

(1)  On page 1, line 9, strike "may give" and substitute 	"shall give".
	(2)  On page 1, strike line 18 and substitute the following:                   
	"(c)  A license holder, on behalf of its client companies, 
may establish and sponsor a".
	(3)  On page 1, lines 20 and 21, strike "for their assigned 
employees" and substitute "for the assigned employees of those 
client companies".
	(4)  On page 2, lines 1 and 2, strike "the client companies 
	(5)  On page 2, strike line 3 and substitute the following:                    
	"on behalf of its client companies, may establish and sponsor 
a multiple employer welfare arrangement under this chapter".