Amend CSHB 1623 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  Strike SECTION 4 of the bill (committee printing page 1, 
line 43 through line 49) and substitute:
	SECTION 4.  Section 521.054, Transportation Code, is amended 
by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
	(d)  A court may dismiss a charge for a violation of this 
section if the defendant remedies the defect not later than the 20th 
working day after the date of the offense and pays an administrative 
fee not to exceed $20. The court may waive the administrative fee if 
the waiver is in the interest of justice.
	(2)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to 
the bill and renumber existing SECTIONS appropriately:
	SECTION __.  Section 502.407(b), Transportation Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(b)  A justice of the peace or municipal court judge having 
jurisdiction of the offense may:
		(1)  dismiss a charge of driving with an expired motor 
vehicle registration if the defendant:
			(A)  remedies the defect not later than the 20th
[10th] working day after the date of the offense or before the 
defendant's first court appearance date, whichever is later; and
			(B)  establishes that the fee prescribed by 
Section 502.176 has been paid; and
		(2)  assess an administrative fee not to exceed $20
[$10] when the charge is dismissed.
	SECTION __.  Section 521.026, Transportation Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
judge may dismiss a charge of driving with an expired license if the 
defendant remedies this defect within 20 [10] working days or 
before the defendant's first court appearance date, whichever is 
	(b)  The judge may assess the defendant an administrative fee 
not to exceed $20 [$10] when the charge of driving with an expired 
driver's license is dismissed under Subsection (a).
	SECTION __.  Section 548.605(b), Transportation Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(b)  The court shall:                                                          
		(1)  dismiss a charge of driving with an expired 
inspection certificate if: 
			(A)  the defendant remedies the defect within 20
[10] working days or before the defendant's first court appearance 
date, whichever is later; and
			(B)  the inspection certificate has not been 
expired for more than 60 days; and
		(2)  assess an administrative fee not to exceed $20
[$10] when the charge of driving with an expired inspection 
certificate has been remedied.