Amend HB 1786 on third reading as follows:                                   
	(1)  On page 4, line 1, strike "or".                                    
	(2)  On page 4, line 7, between "days" and the period, insert 
the following:

; or                                                                   
		(17)  an elementary-age (ages 5-13) recreational 
program operated by a nonprofit corporation that:
			(A)  adopts standards of care, including 
standards relating to staff ratios, staff training, health, and 
			(B)  provides a mechanism for monitoring and 
enforcing the standards and receiving complaints from parents of 
enrolled children;
			(C)  does not advertise as a child-care facility 
or day-care center and informs parents that it is not licensed by 
the state;
			(D)  does not collect compensation for its 
			(E)  allows parents to enroll children in and 
remove children from the program at will; and
			(F)  conducts background checks using information 
from the Department of Public Safety for all program employees and 
volunteers who work with children