Amend HB 1857 as follows:                                                    
	(1)  Strike Section 232.0033, Local Government Code 
(engrossed version page 2, lines 1-22), and substitute the 
TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS.  (a)  This section applies to each county 
in the state.  The requirements provided by this section are in 
addition to the other requirements of this chapter.
	(b)  If all or part of a subdivision for which a plat is 
required under this chapter is located within a future 
transportation corridor identified in an agreement under Section 
201.619, Transportation Code:
		(1)  the commissioners court of a county in which the 
land is located:
			(A)  may refuse to approve the plat for 
recordation unless the plat states that the subdivision is located 
within the area of the alignment of a transportation project as 
shown in the final environmental decision document that is 
applicable to the future transportation corridor; and
			(B)  may refuse to approve the plat for 
recordation if all or part of the subdivision is located within the 
area of the alignment of a transportation project as shown in the 
final environmental decision document that is applicable to the 
future transportation corridor; and
		(2)  each purchase contract or lease between the 
subdivider and a purchaser or lessee of land in the subdivision must 
contain a conspicuous statement that the land is located within the 
area of the alignment of a transportation project as shown in the 
final environmental decision document that is applicable to the 
future transportation corridor.