Amend CSHB 1892 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                      
	(1)  Add a new SECTION 10 to read as follows and renumber 
subsequent sections appropriately:
	SECTION 10.  Section 366.301, Transportation Code, is  
amended by adding the following new Subsection 366.301(e):
	(e)  An action of an authority under this chapter must comply 
with the requirements of applicable federal law, if any, including 
standards regarding the role of metropolitan planning 
organizations under federal law, the use of toll revenue, the 
planning, design, financing, construction, and operation of 
turnpike projects, and the use of right-of-way of and access to 
federal-aid highways, to the extent such standards are otherwise 
applicable to an authority's turnpike project.  Nothing in this 
chapter shall impair the ability of the commission or the 
department to ensure compliance with any federal requirement 
enabling the state to receive federal highway money.