Amend HB 1977 (committee printing) as follows:                               

(1)  On page 1, line 6, strike "Section 1506.008" and 	substitute "Sections 1506.008 and 1506.009".
	(2)  On page 1, between lines 9 and 10, insert:                                
	Sec. 1506.009.  STUDY; REPORT. (a) The commissioner shall 
conduct a study concerning a program under which the pool would 
offer coverage to an individual who is also covered under a group 
health benefit plan that is provided or offered to the individual 
through an employer. Under the proposed program, pool coverage 
would be secondary to coverage provided under the group health 
benefit plan.
	(b)  The commissioner, using existing resources, may 
contract with actuaries and other experts as necessary to conduct 
the study.
	(c)  The commissioner shall report the results of the study 
in the biennial report under Section 32.022. The report must:
		(1)  include an analysis of the advantages and 
disadvantages of the proposed program and recommended minimum 
standards applicable to group health benefit plans that may be 
included in the program; and
		(2)  identify program components, requirements, or 
restrictions necessary for successful implementation of the 
	(d)  This section expires September 1, 2009.