Amend CSHB 2093 as follows: On page 7 of the Senate committee report printing, strike lines 54 through 58 and insert subsections (c) and (d) to read as follows: (c) Except as otherwise provided by subsection (d), the changes in law made by this Act relating to the amount or disposition of a fee collected by the Texas Department of Transportation in connection with a permit for an overweight or oversize vehicle apply only to a permit that is applied for on or after the effective date of this Act. (d) The changes in law made by this Act relating to the amount or disposition of a fee collected by the Texas Department of Transportation do not apply to a permit for an overweight or oversize vehicle applied for in connection with the delivery of materials pursuant to a construction contract for a public infrastructure project let prior to the effective date of this Act. The amount or disposition of the fee for the permit is governed by the law in effect at the time the construction contract was let, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.