Amend CSHB 2237 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  Strike "Board" in reference to the High School 
Completion and Success Initiative Board throughout the bill, in 
each of the following places it appears, and substitute 
"Committee": page 3, lines 9 and 20; page 8, lines 22 and 23; page 
11, line 6; page 14, lines 24 and 25; and page 23, lines 2, 14, and 
	(2)  Strike "board" in reference to the High School 
Completion and Success Initiative Board throughout the bill, in 
each of the following places it appears, and substitute 
"committee": page 8, line 27; page 9, lines 3 and 17; page 10, lines 
4, 5, and 11; page 11, lines 5 and 8; page 12, lines 3 and 17; page 
13, lines 11 and 16; page 14, line 9; page 15, line 11; page 17, line 
20; page 23, lines 7, 12, and 23; page 25, lines 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 
and 16; page 26, lines 8, 13, 19, and 25; and page 27, lines 10 and 
	(3)  On page 3, lines 10-11, strike "award grants" and 
substitute "recommend the award of grants as provided by Section 
	(4)  On page 4, line 3, strike "Using" and substitute "From".    
	(5)  On page 4, line 5, between "receive" and "assistance", 
insert "grants to provide".
	(6)  On page 4, line 6, between "the" and "instructional", 
insert "content knowledge and".
	(7)  On page 4, strike lines 9-25 and substitute the 
	(b)  A school district or campus is eligible to participate 
in the pilot program under this section if the district or campus 
meets the eligibility criteria established as provided by Section 
	(c)  A grant awarded under this section may be used to 
support intensive instructional coaching and professional 
development from a service provider approved by the commissioner.  
Approved service providers may include:
		(1)  academies and training centers established in 
conjunction with a Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and 
Mathematics (T-STEM) center;
		(2)  regional education service centers;                               
		(3)  institutions of higher education; and                             
		(4)  private organizations with significant experience 
in providing mathematics instruction, as determined by the 
	(d)  An instructional coaching or professional development 
program supported by a grant under this section must demonstrate 
significant past effectiveness in improving mathematics 
instruction in middle schools, junior high schools, and high 
schools serving a significant number of students identified as 
students at risk of dropping out of school, as described by Section 
29.081(d).  An instructional coaching or professional development 
program may
	(8)  On page 5, line 2, strike "individual tutoring" and 
substitute "tutoring or mentoring".
	(9)  On page 5, line 3, between the semicolon and "or", 
insert the following:
		(3)  providing incentives to teachers to participate in 
the program; 
	(10)  On page 5, line 4, strike "(3)" and substitute "(4)".      
	(11)  On page 5, line 7, strike "(d)" and substitute "(e)".      
	(12)  On page 5, lines 8-11, strike the sentence beginning on 
line 8.        
	(13)  On page 8, line 4, strike "2007-2008" and substitute 
	(14)  On page 9, lines 5 and 15, strike "board may award a 
grant" in each place it appears and substitute "the committee may 
recommend and the commissioner may award a grant as provided by 
Section 39.360".
	(15)  On page 9, lines 7-9, strike "at which at least 60 
percent of the students are identified as students at risk of 
dropping out of school" and substitute "that is eligible under the 
criteria established under Section 39.360".
	(16)  On page 11, lines 8-9, strike "by rule".                          
	(17)  Strike page 11, line 12, through page 12, line 2, and 
substitute the following:
	(c)  A school district or open-enrollment charter school is 
eligible to participate and receive a grant under this section 
under the eligibility criteria established under Section 39.360.
	(18)  On page 12, line 27, strike "minimum" and substitute 
	(19)  On page 14, lines 12-13, strike "The board" and 
substitute "From funds appropriated, the commissioner".
	(20)  On page 14, line 20, strike "board" and substitute 
	(21)  On page 15, lines 2-3, strike "by rule".                          
	(22)  On page 15, line 3, between "program" and "to", insert 
"for the commissioner".
	(23)  On page 15, strike lines 11-23 and substitute the 
	(c)  The commissioner may select for participation in the 
pilot program only a campus that is eligible under the criteria 
established under Section 39.360.
	(24)  On page 17, strike lines 22-26 and substitute "section, 
"pilot program" means the intensive summer pilot".
	(25)  On page 18, line 2, strike "board" and substitute 
"commissioner of higher education".
	(26)  Strike page 18, line 23, through page 19, line 9, and 
substitute the following:
	(c)  The commissioner of higher education may select for 
participation in the pilot program only a campus that is eligible 
under the criteria established under Section 39.360.
	(27)  On page 21, line 1, strike "board." and substitute 
"commissioner of higher education.".
	(28)  On page 21, line 19, strike "developed and".                      
	(29)  On page 21, lines 22 and 24, strike "develop and" both 
places that phrase appears.
	(30)  On page 22, line 1, after "technology", insert 
	(31)  On page 22, line 15, after the period, insert the 

The district or charter school shall submit the plan not later than 
December 1 of each school year preceding the school year in which 
the district or charter school will receive the compensatory 
education allotment to which the plan applies.
	(32)  On page 22, line 20, after the period, insert the 

The commissioner shall complete an initial review of the district's  
or charter school's plan not later than March 1 of the school year 
preceding the school year in which the district or charter school 
will receive the compensatory education allotment to which the plan 
	(33)  On page 23, lines 3-4, strike "provide grants to 
secondary campuses and school districts" and substitute "establish 
a grant program under which grants are awarded to secondary 
campuses and school districts"
	(34)  Strike page 23, line 25, through page 25, line 4, and 
substitute the following:
COMMITTEE.  (a)  The High School Completion and Success Initiative 
Committee is established to coordinate high school completion 
	(b)  The committee is composed of:                                      
		(1)  the commissioner of education;                                    
		(2)  the commissioner of higher education; and                         
		(3)  seven members appointed by the commissioner of 
	(c)  In making appointments required by Subsection (b)(3), 
the commissioner of education shall appoint:
		(1)  three members from a list of nominations provided 
by the governor;
		(2)  two members from a list of nominations provided by 
the lieutenant governor; and
		(3)  two members from a list of nominations provided by 
the speaker of the house of representatives.
	(d)  In making nominations under Subsection (c), the 
governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of 
representatives shall nominate persons who have distinguished 
experience in:
		(1)  developing and implementing high school reform 
strategies; and  
		(2)  promoting college and workforce readiness.                        
	Sec. 39.353.  TERMS.  Members of the committee appointed 
under Section 39.352(b)(3) serve terms of two years and may be 
reappointed for additional terms.
	(35)  On page 25, line 7, strike "BOARD" and substitute 
	(36)  On page 25, strike line 13 and substitute "Sec. 39.357.  
COMMITTEE STAFF AND FUNDING.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided, 
staff members of the agency, with the assistance of".
	(37)  On page 25, line 14, between "Board" and "shall", 
insert a comma.
	(38)  On page 25, between lines 15 and 16, insert the 
	(b)  Funding for the administrative and operational expenses 
of the committee shall be provided by appropriation to the agency 
for that purpose and by gifts, grants, and donations solicited and 
accepted by the agency for that purpose.
	Sec. 39.358.  ADVISORY PANELS.  (a)  The committee may 
establish advisory panels to assist the committee under this 
	(b)  An advisory panel member may be an educator, researcher, 
or any other knowledgeable person as determined by the committee.
	(39)  On page 25, line 16, strike "39.358" and substitute 
	(40)  On page 25, line 25, strike "award grants" and 
substitute "recommend the award of grants as provided by Section 
	(41)  On page 26, line 3, strike "awarding grants" and 
substitute "recommending the award of grants as provided by Section 
	(42)  On page 26, line 5, strike "award grants" and 
substitute "recommend the award of grants as provided by Section 
	(43)  On page 26, between lines 13 and 14, insert the 
PROGRAMS.  (a)  A school district or campus is eligible to 
participate in programs under Sections 21.4541, 29.095, 29.096, 
29.097, and 29.098 if the district or campus:
		(1)  exhibited during the 2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 
2006-2007 school years characteristics that strongly correlate 
with high school dropout rates; and
		(2)  is located in a community that, based on the most 
recent census data, exhibits demographic characteristics that 
strongly correlate with high dropout rates.
	(b)  The commissioner of education or the commissioner of 
higher education, as appropriate, in consultation with the state 
demographer, shall develop eligibility criteria based on relevant 
state and federal data that:
		(1)  identifies eligible high schools to receive grants 
under each program; and
		(2)  ensures that each group of eligible high schools 
provides services to at least 150,000 students.
	(44)  On page 26, line 14, strike "39.359" and substitute 
	(45)  On page 26, line 15, strike "that purpose" and 
substitute "high school completion and success".
	(46)  On page 26, line 18, between "the" and "strategic", 
insert "criteria established under the".
	(47)  On page 26, line 20, strike "39.360" and substitute 
	(48)  On page 26, line 21, strike "shall" and substitute 
	(49)  Strike page 26, line 27, through page 27, line 8, and 
substitute the following:
	Sec. 39.363.  GRANT PROGRAM EVALUATION.  (a)  From funds 
appropriated for high school completion and success, the 
commissioner of education shall set aside not more than $1.5 
million annually to contract for the evaluation of programs 
supported by grants approved under this subchapter.  In awarding a 
contract under this subsection, the commissioner shall consider 
centers for education research established under Section 1.005.
	(b)  A person who receives a grant approved under this 
subchapter must consent to an evaluation under this section as a 
condition of receiving the grant.
	(c)  The commissioner shall ensure that a rigorous 
evaluation is conducted under this section.  Results of the 
evaluation shall be provided through the online clearinghouse of 
information relating to the best practices of campuses and school 
districts established under Section 7.009.
	Sec. 39.364.  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS.  (a)  Based on the 
strategic plan adopted under this section, the committee shall make 
recommendations to the commissioner of education or the 
commissioner of higher education, as applicable, using the review 
and evaluation processes established by the committee for the award 
of federal and state funds appropriated or received for high school 
reform, college readiness, and dropout prevention.
	(b)  The committee shall include recommendations under this 
section for:
		(1)  program design;                                                   
		(2)  criteria for awarding grants and evaluating 
programs; and       
		(3)  program funding levels.                                           
	(c)  The commissioner of education or the commissioner of 
higher education, as applicable, shall consider the committee's 
recommendations and based on those recommendations may award grants 
to school districts, open-enrollment charter schools, institutions 
of higher education, regional education service centers, and 
nonprofit organizations to meet the goals of the committee's  
strategic plan.
	(d)  If the commissioner of education or the commissioner of 
higher education, as applicable, decides not to award a grant 
contrary to the committee's recommendation, the commissioner shall 
provide a written explanation of the commissioner's decision.
	(e)  The commissioner of education or the commissioner of 
higher education may not award a grant under this section without 
the recommendation of the committee.
	Sec. 39.365.  FUNDING FOR CERTAIN PROGRAMS.  (a)  From funds 
appropriated, the agency shall transfer $8.75 million each year to 
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to establish 
mathematics, science, and technology teacher preparation academies 
under Section 21.462 and implement and administer the program under 
Section 29.098.
	(b)  The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall 
establish mathematics, science, and technology teacher preparation 
academies under Section 21.462 and implement and administer the 
program under Section 29.098 in a manner consistent with the goals 
of this subchapter and the goals in "Closing the Gaps," the state's 
master plan for higher education.
	(50)  On page 27, line 9, strike "39.362" and substitute 
	(51)  On page 27, lines 23-24, strike "by the board" and 
substitute "under this subchapter".
	(52)  On page 27, between lines 24 and 25, insert the 
	Sec. 39.367.  RULES.  The commissioner of education and the 
commissioner of higher education shall adopt rules as necessary to 
administer this subchapter and any programs under the authority of 
the commissioner of education or the commissioner of higher 
education and the committee under this subchapter.
	(53)  On page 28, strike lines 17-25 and renumber the 
SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.