Amend CSHB 2237 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                      
	(1)  In SECTION 3 of the bill, in added Section 21.4511(a), 
Education Code (page 2, lines 5-6), strike "From funds appropriated 
for that purpose," and substitute "From funds appropriated for that 
purpose in an amount not to exceed $2.5 million each year,".
	(2)  In SECTION 8 of the bill, in added Section 29.095(b), 
Education Code (page 4, line 18), strike "$5 million" and 
substitute "$4 million".
	(3)  In SECTION 8 of the bill, in added Section 29.096(b), 
Education Code (page 5, line 9), strike "Using funds appropriated 
for that purpose," and substitute "Using funds appropriated for 
that purpose in an amount not to exceed $4 million each year,".
	(4)  In SECTION 8 of the bill, in added Section 29.097(b), 
Education Code (page 6, line 28), strike "From funds appropriated 
for that purpose," and substitute "From funds appropriated for that 
purpose in an amount not to exceed $3 million each year,".
	(5)  In SECTION 9 of the bill, in added Section 29.919, 
Education Code (page 10, lines 25-27), strike Subsection (f) and 
substitute the following:
	(f)  A campus participating in the program must provide 
students with individual access to technology-based supplemental 
instruction for at least 10 hours each week.
	(6)  In SECTION 11 of the bill, in added Section 39.357(d), 
Education Code (page 12, line 8), strike "to continue or expand a 
project," and substitute "to continue a project,".
	(7)  In SECTION 11 of the bill, in added Section 39.357(d), 
Education Code (page 12, line 10), strike "September 1, 2009" and 
substitute "March 15, 2008".
	(8)  In SECTION 11 of the bill, in added Section 39.361, 
Education Code (page 12, between lines 64 and 65), insert the 
	(d)  The commissioner of education or the commissioner of 
higher education, as applicable:
		(1)  is not required under this section to allocate 
funds to a program or initiative recommended by the council; and
		(2)  may not allocate funds under this section without 
the recommendation of the council.