Amend CSHB 2238 as follows:                                                  

(1)  On page 2, line 10, strike "or".
	(2)  On page 2, line 11, strike the period and substitute "; 
	(3)  On page 2, between lines 11 and 12, insert the 
			(E)  a virtual educational system accredited by an 
education agency.
	(4)  On page 3, line 2, strike "and".                                   
	(5)  On page 3, line 6, strike the period and substitute "; 
	(6)  On page 3, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following:                   
		(4)  facilitate the collection of information used in 
the administration of educational institutions.
	(7)  On page 3, line 12, strike "board" and substitute 
"Department of Information Resources".
	(8)  On page 3, line 16, strike "board" and substitute 
"commissioner of education and commissioner of higher education".
	(9)  On page 3, between lines 21 and 22, insert the 
	(b)  The commissioner of education and commissioner of 
higher education may implement the system on a pilot basis in one or 
more educational institutions before fully implementing the system 
as required by this section.
	(10)  On page 3, line 22, strike "(b)" and substitute "(c)".     
	(11)  On page 4, strike line 4 and substitute "a board to 
design, develop, oversee, and monitor the implementation of the 
system and perform other functions authorized under this chapter."
	(12)  On page 4, lines 12 and 19, between "data systems" and 
the period, insert "or as researchers".
	(13)  On page 4, line 25, strike "two-year terms expiring 
February 1 of each odd-numbered year" and substitute "four-year 
terms expiring February 1, 2011, and February 1 of every fourth year 
	(14)  On page 5, line 7, strike "board" and substitute 
"commissioner of education and commissioner of higher education, 
with the assistance of the board,".
	(15)  On page 5, line 15, strike "board" and substitute 
"commissioner of education and commissioner of higher education".
	(16)  On page 5, between lines 22 and 23, insert the 
	(d)  The board shall ensure that the system is designed in a 
manner that:
		(1)  limits the extent to which education agencies and 
educational institutions are required to collect data separately 
from the collection of data for the system; and
		(2)  allows for longitudinal analysis and program 
evaluations through the system.
	(17)  On page 6, strike lines 12 through 14 and substitute 
the following:    
		(1)  data for each educational institution concerning 
organization, personnel, budgetary and actual fiscal measures, and 
student and community demographics;
	(18)  On page 6, between lines 18 and 19, insert the 
		(3)  a unique personal identification number for each 
student enrolled in and educator employed by an educational 
institution for the purpose of facilitating the connection of 
relevant data elements;
	(19)  On page 6, line 19, strike "(3)" and substitute "(4)".     
	(20)  On page 6, line 21, strike "(4)" and substitute "(5)".     
	(21)  On page 7, line 2, strike "and".                                  
	(22)  On page 7, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following:                  
				(iv)  the student's performance on college 
preparation assessments and, to the extent applicable, 
end-of-degree or end-of-certificate assessments; and
	(23)  On page 7, line 12, between "39.023" and the semicolon, 
insert "and college preparation assessments".
	(24)  On page 7, between lines 25 and 26, insert the 
	(c)  The board shall coordinate with the Texas State Data 
Center to include relevant data elements concerning community 
demographic characteristics in the system.
	(d)  The board shall ensure that the system includes flexible 
data fields so that the system can be used in the evaluation of 
programs at educational institutions.
	(25)  On page 10, line 21, strike "and".                                
	(26)  On page 10, line 23, strike the period and substitute 
"; and".  
	(27)  On page 10, between lines 23 and 24, insert the 
		(3)  may include incentives in board contracts to 
facilitate the receipt of timely delivery of services.
	(28)  On page 11, line 12, strike "board" and substitute 
"commissioner of education, the commissioner of higher education, 
and the board".
	(29)  On page 11, line 14, strike "board" and substitute 
"commissioner of education and commissioner of higher education".