Amend CSHB 2238 as follows:                                                  
	(1) In SECTION 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 2.052 
as added by the bill on page 4, line 10 strike "Five" and substitute 
	(2) In SECTION 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 2.052 
as added by the bill on page 4, line 12 after the period insert "Two 
of the members appointed by the commissioner of education must have 
extensive experience in the field of public education curriculum 
and assessment."
	(3) In Section 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 
2.103(a)(4)(B) as added by the bill on page 7, line 19, strike the 
word "and".
	(4) In SECTION 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 
2.103(a)(4)(B) as added by the bill on page 7, line 22, strike the 
period and substitute a semi-colon followed by the word "and".
	(5) In SECTION 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 
2.103(a)(4)(B) as added by the bill after page 7, line 22, add a new 
subsection (viii) as follows: "(viii) demographic data for the 
	(6) In SECTION 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 2.103 
as added by the bill after page 7, line 25, add a new subsection (c) 
as follows: "Any personally identifiable information collected 
under this section shall not be public information subject to 
disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code."
	(7) In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike Education Code Section 
2.105(a) as added by the bill on page 8, lines 16 through 21, and 
substitute a new subsection (a) to read as follows:
	(a) The board shall contract with one or more organizations 
with well-established peer-review processes to:
		(1) develop recommendations, drawing from 
independently peer-reviewed research which is based upon empirical 
evidence and adheres to the basic principles of sound statistical 
analysis, for using the system to measure improvement in individual 
student achievement on assessment instruments administered under 
Section 39.023; and
		(2) study the feasibility, reliability, and validity of 
using the measure of improvement in individual student achievement 
on assessment instruments in conducting evaluations and appraisal 
of educators employed by school districts and institutions of 
higher education or university systems. Results from the study must 
be based upon empirical evidence and published in scientific 
journals using independent peer review, and validity for this 
purpose must be established before a student growth measure may be a 
required component of educator evaluation or appraisal. Any 
assessment instruments used as a basis for educator evaluations 
must be certified by the entity that develops the instruments as 
being validated and reliable for that purpose and independently 
verified by an impartial psychometrician as being valid for that 
	(8) In SECTION 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 
2.105(b) as added by the bill page 8, line 26, after the words 
"district level" and the period add the words, "The methodology 
selected by the board must include advanced statistical methods 
that can fairly and accurately adjust for factors beyond the 
control of an educational institution or educator, including 
student demographics and community characteristics."
	(9) In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike Education Code Section 
2.105(c) as added by the bill on page 8, line 27 through page 9, line 
	(10) In SECTION 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 2.151 
as added by the bill after page 10, line 6, insert a new subsection 
(c) to read as follows: "(c) The board shall carry out its duties in 
accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code."
	(11) In SECTION 1 of the bill in Education Code Section 21.153 
as added by the bill on page 11, line 5, strike the word "may" after 
the words "The board" and substitute the word "shall".