Amend CSHB 2238 (Senate committee printing) by adding the 
following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and 
renumbering subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION ___.  Section 28.006, Education Code, is amended by 
amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (d-1) to read as 
	(d)  The superintendent of each school district shall:                         
		(1)  report to the commissioner and the board of 
trustees of the district the results of the reading instruments; 
		(2)  report, in writing, to a student's parent or 
guardian the student's results on the reading instrument; and
		(3)  using the school readiness certification system 
provided to the school district in accordance with Section 
29.161(e), report electronically each student's raw score on the 
reading instrument to the agency for use in the school readiness 
certification system.
	(d-1)  The agency shall contract with the State Center for 
Early Childhood Development to receive and use scores under 
Subsection (d)(3) on behalf of the agency.
	SECTION ___.  Section 29.161, Education Code, is amended by 
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsections (d) through (f) to 
read as follows:
	(c)  The system must:                                                          
		(1)  be reflective of research in the field of early 
childhood care and education;
		(2)  be well-grounded in the cognitive, social, and 
emotional development of young children; [and]
		(3)  apply a common set of criteria to each program 
provider seeking certification, regardless of the type of program 
or source of program funding; and
		(4)  be capable of fulfilling the reporting and notice 
requirements of Sections 28.006(d) and (g).
	(d)  The agency shall collect each student's raw score 
results on the reading instrument administered under Section 28.006 
from each school district using the system created under Subsection 
(a) and shall contract with the State Center for Early Childhood 
Development for purposes of this section.
	(e)  The State Center for Early Childhood Development shall, 
using funds appropriated for the school readiness certification 
system, provide the system created under Subsection (a) to each 
school district to report each student's raw score results on the 
reading instrument administered under Section 28.006.
	(f)  The agency shall:                                                  
		(1)  provide assistance to the State Center for Early 
Childhood Development in developing and adopting the school 
readiness certification system under this section, including 
providing access to data for the purpose of locating the teacher and 
campus of record for students; and
		(2)  require confidentiality and other security 
measures for student data provided to the State Center for Early 
Childhood Development as the agency's agent, consistent with the 
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 