Amend HB 2458 by striking page 47, line 17, through page 48, 
line 9, and substituting the following:
	Sec. 1951.605.  STOP USE ORDER.  (a)  If the department has 
reason to believe that a person licensed under this chapter is using 
or is in possession of a pesticide that is in violation of Chapter 
76, Agriculture Code, the department may issue and enforce a 
written or printed order to stop the use of the pesticide.  The 
department shall present the order to the owner or custodian of the 
pesticide.  The person who receives the order may not use the 
pesticide until the department determines that the pesticide:
		(1)  is in compliance with this chapter; or                            
		(2)  does not present a hazard to the public health, 
safety, or welfare.
	(b)  This section does not limit the right of the department 
or commissioner to proceed as authorized by another section of this 
chapter, including in the assessment of an administrative penalty 
under this chapter.
	(c)  A person may appeal an order issued under this section 
in the manner provided by Subchapters K and L.