Amend CSHB 2541 as follows:                                                  

(1)  On page 3, line 6, strike "and".
	(2)  On page 3, line 8, strike the period and substitute "; 
	(3)  On page 3, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following:                   
		(7)  for a recycling facility that is located in the 
recharge zone of an aquifer that is the sole or principal source of 
drinking water for an area designated under Section 1424(e), Safe 
Drinking Water Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Section 300h-3(e)):
			(A)  impose heightened standards for the issuance 
of a permit; and  
			(B)  require the installation of groundwater 
protection features, such as liners and monitoring wells, as the 
commission determines necessary.
	(4)  Strike SECTION 3 of the bill and renumber the subsequent 
SECTIONS accordingly.